House Design & Apartment buildings
"Renovations and Design in Panama."
Residential Design It covers the preparation of the preliminary architectural proposal, the area program is established, the preliminary studies that are required are made and the basic architectural plans are prepared.
In addition to this, preliminary construction costs can be estimated at a conceptual level and, if required, the corresponding certifications are requested from the competent authorities. After having the concept ready, we go on to develop the plans with all its structural, electrical and plumbing systems for subsequent approval at the corresponding institution.
The Grupo Ideas Panamá team are super professional, organized, planned and punctual in their design work.

I have been collaborating with Grupo Ideas since 2017. They have tremendous experience in architecture, development of plans, urban planning ... They are very professional and most importantly - they meet the dates.

Excellent! Gabriel and his team are extremely responsible, professional and orderly. I would constantly hire them as I can always have the peace of mind that the results will be delivered on time and with high quality.
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PHASE 1 - CONCEPTUAL DESIGN (DC) - MASTER PLANPHASE 1 - CONCEPTUAL DESIGN (CD) Definition of Criteria (Charrette Meeting). This meeting will be the beginning of the project, and the DESIGN TEAM, THE CLIENT and THE CLIENT'S ENGINEERING TEAM must attend. Other interested parties may also attend. Master Plan Analysis of information provided by the client. Analysis of Surrounding Land Uses. Request for additional information. (Information provided by the client). Analysis of Regulations for Land Use. Development of Master Plan. Area tables according to land use. Calculation of Project Densities. Coordination Meetings. Concept presentation. Conceptual Landscaping Design. Architectural plans and references.
PHASE 2 - SCHEMATIC DESIGN (DE) - EOT OR LAND USE ALLOCATIONPHASE 2 - SCHEMATIC DESIGN (DE) Drafting of the Ordering Scheme Document. A. Introduction Historical and development background Objectives Scopes Methodology B. Description and diagnosis of existing conditions Diagnostics C. Analysis of the diagnosis and construction of scenarios Urban growth trend D. Analysis and proposal Technical analysis of the information Identification of critical areas Identification of historical or heritage conservation areas Urban layout Urban planning plan Zoning proposal and regulatory plan E. Conclusions and recommendations Plans of the Zoning Scheme. Frame indicating Project Name, Scale, Date and Content Definition of Road Easements (Widths, and applicable section according to current resolution or MOP Manual). Definition of MacroLots Definition of Green Areas Regulations in each Macrolotes Number of MacroLots Project Context Reference Points, Roads, Urbanizations, etc. Rain Easements Road Sections Hatch with land use Legends Table of Quantities with number of batches, regulations, percentage, description of the batch Magnetic North Description of regulations as indicated in the corresponding Resolution, it is important to indicate the resolution. Regional Location Table of Macro Lot Areas Road Hierarchy Table of Streets Chart of Easements and Construction Lines Rotunda details Street Specifications Farms that make up the project Data table of the farms that include their directions 24. Signature of the Owner or Legal Representative on Each Sheet Note: The DESIGN TEAM commits to the Delivery of 1 set of Plans once it is duly approved by the authorities.
PHASE 3 - DESIGN DEVELOPMENT (DD) - DRAFTPHASE 3 - DESIGN DEVELOPMENT (DRAFT) Development of Urban Blueprint. Points with Coordinates Headings and Batch Coordinates Regional Location Mooring Plan with data box (Supplied by Topographer). Polygon and Farms (Supplied by Topographer). Location with bearings and data boxes Area Breakdown Table Regulations Magnetic North General Notes Chart of Areas of Lots and Regulations Applicable Regulations Park extensions Street Sections Detail of Rotunda Notes with street specifications according to MOP Property Notes in Plan Frame for signature of Legal Representative Street names and their hierarchy table Track dimensions Adjoining farms (According to topography or cadastral plan). Note: The DESIGN TEAM commits to the Delivery of 1 set of Plans once it is duly approved by the authorities.
PHASE 4 - INFRASTRUCTURE PLANS (PC)PHASE 4 - INFRASTRUCTURE PLANS Street Design Points with Coordinates Joint with existing tracks. Track layout according to draft. Profiles and Sections of the Streets. Earth motion analysis. Layout of the Streets. (Gradients, Vertical and Horizontal Curves, intersections) Parceling and Landscaping: Determination of boundaries and area calculations. Determination of dirt levels per lot. Determination and revision of the slopes or walls to be used. (Does not include their designs). Storm and Sanitary Sewerage System: Determine and locate the means to collect, convey and channel or dispose of stormwater to adjacent existing systems. Determination and calculation of the drainage areas served by each inlet or collector, to determine its capacity and size. Determine the sections of the rainwater and wastewater collection pipes and their gradients in accordance with the regulations that govern these studies. Inlet design, inspection chamber, joint details, heads. Aqueduct System: Location of pipelines, including supply, secondary arteries, distribution arteries and house connections. Determination of areas served for each section of pipe for design purposes. Design and calculation of the different diameters of the pipes in the different areas of the urbanization according to the regulations. Location of the different accessories of the aqueduct. Drinking water storage tank design Design of pumping systems if required. Specifications: Detailed explanations that complement the plans described. Descriptions of materials to be used. Indication of rules for the correct execution of the work. Pavement Design: Pavement design report for the parking area and roads within the project, according to the AASTHO 93 standard. Constructive details of the recommended thicknesses. Plan of joints and details of connections. Hydrological and Hydraulic Study of the creek (IF APPLICABLE) Analysis of the study basin and determination of design flows. Hydraulic analysis of the watercourse, Delimitation of the pluvial easement according to the norm. Plans and report for approval.
INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED BY CLIENTS FOR PROJECTSLegal documents from the Public Registry of land titling. Legal documents from the Public Registry of the legal representative. Copy of the passport or identification card of the legal representative. Boundaries of the farm with its neighbors approved by the Cadastre or corresponding Entity Topography with geo-referenced points (at least 2), measurements, coordinates and contour lines, including infrastructure plans with indication of underground or exposed pipes of IDAAN, MOP, overhead or underground power lines. Geo-referenced polygon of the Project based on the Topography and cadastral plans. The farms of the cadastral plans must be digitized with their coordinates and directions. Approved Land Use Scheme and its resolution or Land Use Assignment with its resolution. Design recommendations derived from the environmental impact study. A memory with all the specifications of special design considerations that do not conform to the typical standards required by MIVI Letter from IDAAN certifying whether or not it can supply water to the project. If not, study of wells for drinking water supply, with all the water tests Letter from IDAAN and/or Saneamiento de la Bahía in relation to the existing sanitary system and/or projected by the State Letter from SINAPROC certifying that there is no possibility of flooding, erosion or critical natural situations in the development area My Environment Letter that certifies Environmental Viability ATTT letter with evaluation of vehicular flows Certification of Electricity Supply to the area, nearest connection point and load capacity Certification of Civil Aeronautics if required according to proposal.
EXCLUSIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED FOR PROJECTSInterior design. Review and/or Approval of Workshop Drawings. Changes to the Project not specified in the Scope of Services Infrastructure Plans Street Alignment Plans of Earthworks Changes to the Ordering Scheme Specialized Design Consultancies (These consultancies may include, but are not limited to: Acoustics Consulting, Theater Systems, Lighting, LEED, Sustainability, Special BMS Systems, Treatment Plants, etc.) Supervision/Technical Inspection of the Work - (Full-time inspection) Construction and Site Management. As-Built Drawing Preparation (as built). Request for Letters and Certifications before the Authorities Environmental Impact Study Soil Study Development of Architectural Plans Approvals of Architectural Project Plans Building Permits Occupancy Permit Soil Study Hydrological Study Topography Calculation of Estimated Costs (Architectural and Urban)